
Gift card

Rider Analysis is a great gift for a person who loves horses and riding and has an iPhone. The analysis costs 199 SEK (approximately 20 €, 15.5 £ and 19 $) each.

Buy gift card

Enter the email address of the person you want to receive the gift card and how many analyzes you want the gift card to apply to. When you have purchased the gift card, you will receive an e-mail address with a code that you will later use when purchasing an analysis. If you enter your own email address, you can later forward the code to a friend.

Gift card

Above you see two different movement graphs, which you as a rider get when you buy an analysis, The red graph shows the rider's movement up and down in the saddle and the gray movement back and forth in the saddle. Which of the graphs do you think shows a fitter rider? It is the upper one that shows gently wavy graphs. There you see harmony in the movement.

This is how it works

The analysis shows the rider’s position in the saddle and gives advice on how to train to improve the position. Using our app, which the rider downloads into her or his iPhone, the rider collects measurement data that shows how he or she moves in the saddle (up and down, back and forth). The movement data is sent to our AI coach. The AI coach analyses the rider's measurement data, and the rider receives an evaluation of their rhythm, and balance.

The rider also receives graphs showing how he or she moves in the saddle and tips on exercises to improve the position. Three days after ordering, the rider receives a link to a personalised web page where he or she can view and download the analysis. The rider can also share the analysis with you as a trainer or riding instructor.